What is Time2Talk intergenerational mediation?
Every family has arguments from time to time, particularly teenagers and parents. Sometimes this can lead to family breakdown. Time 2 Talk helps children/young people and their parents/carers to talk and listen to each other, and work towards better communication and understanding.
We offer help to improve/restore communications with your family, whoever you consider your family to be, whether living together or apart, if the young person is aged between 8 & 18 and living in East Sussex
The mediation process
Once we have received your referral, we will contact you to introduce ourselves. We will ask you how you would like to start mediation, with meetings in the office or online and you can ask us any questions. Usually you will then be assigned two mediators, who will stay with you throughout your mediation journey.
Initially, mediators will offer an individual meeting with you and with your young person and will listen to how things are for you, how it is making you feel and the impact on the family. They may also ask if you have any thoughts about how it could be improved. You can have several individual meetings until everyone is ready for the next step.
Once everyone is happy to proceed, mediators will then bring everyone together for a joint meeting. This is when you both / all come together in a safe, confidential space with your mediators and start to discuss the issues as they are for each of you.
Your mediators are there to support you and to help ensure everyone is listened to. They will help you work out a way forward to improve your situation. Often mediators help you look at ways to improve communication with each other, working towards improving your relationship with one another.
Making a referral
If you would like to make a referral to Time2Talk please contact us beforehand.
You can do this using the ‘contact us’ form at the bottom of this page, phoning 01424 446808 (Hastings and Rother) or 01323 442781 (Wealden, Lewes and Eastbourne), or emailing time2talk@mediation-plus.org.uk.
Frequently asked questions
What is the difference between Family Mediation and ‘Time2Talk’ Intergenerational Mediation?
Mediation Plus offers a number of different services including family and ‘Time2Talk’ intergenerational mediation. It is helpful to understand the difference.
Family Mediation is a chargeable service (the Family Mediation Voucher Scheme may be available to cover the cost, or legal aid is available elsewhere) for couples who are separating or separated. The aim is to support both sides to reach an agreement about property, finance and/or child related issues such as contact arrangements. Mediation is delivered by accredited professional mediators, registered with the Family Mediation Council and is normally faster and cheaper than going to court.
Time2Talk Intergenerational Mediation is a free service for parents/carers and young people (aged 8-18) who are struggling to communicate with each other. Trained volunteer mediators work with everyone involved to re-build their relationships and to reach an agreement about how to move forward. If parents/carers are in conflict with each other about any issues relating to their children following separation e.g. contact arrangements – it is usually best to resolve this through family mediation before accessing intergenerational mediation.
If you are not sure what service you need, you are welcome to contact us to discuss this.
Will you tell me what my child says in mediation?
Not without their consent. Everything we are told is confidential (unless we are worried about someone’s safety or welfare).
Where possible we will support each party to speak openly about how they are feeling during joint mediation.
How much will it cost?
Time2Talk mediation is free of charge.
What if my child still does not want to take part?
We know this can be frustrating, but Time2Talk is built around the young person and we do not force them to do anything they are not comfortable with. All mediation is voluntary.
If someone does not want to take part, they may change their mind in the future and you can always come back to us at a later date.
Where will meetings take place?
We have offices in St Leonard on Sea and Hailsham where meetings take place.
We can also meet people online, or a community venue near you. We do not hold Time2Talk mediation meetings in someone’s home.
Will we be told what to do?
We help you agree a way forward. We won’t tell you what to do, we don’t take sides or blame anyone.
How long will mediation last?
Sessions usually last around an hour and the frequency of meetings will be discussed and agreed with you. The whole process can take between 6 weeks and 6 months.
Fees, charges and referrals
Time2Talk Intergenerational Mediations is provided free of charge and we rely on grant funding and donations to cover our costs.
Get in touch
If you would like to contact Mediation Plus, please use this form.
You can also make online referrals, by visiting our project pages.